Stainless Steel Plate Freezer Frames
Cooloff – Stainless Steel Plate Freezer Frame Program, 13 units (Howlong), Design, Construct & Installation Works, part of a Total Project Value of $4.0Mil.
RMR Engineering were engaged to complete a Design and Construct (with the Client) of twelve (12) Stainless Steel Plate Freezer Frames (PFF) in 2015 / 2016.
This firstly involved the manufacture of a full-scale prototype unit.
The PFF units consisted of the following; A main SHS support frame to retain the 36 freezer plates, an upper flipping frame with a series of pneumatic cylinders to operate lifting and flipping arrangements, ammonia chilling pipework, as well as CIP piping and electrical conduiting & cabinets, access ladders & Walkways and the like…
Then a full set of drawings, mainly in Inventor (3D), however, some drawings were also in AutoCAD (2D).
The manufacture and assembly was completed in our Wodonga Manufacturing Facility and we were involved in a joint venture installation, with a local Howlong company, as well.